6914th RSM
First Reunion

St. Louis, Missouri, September 11-12, 1998

The first reunion of the 6914th RSM was held on September 11-12,1998
at the Airport Marriott Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. Attending were:

Bill and Barbara Bechtold
Doug and Brigette Bunt
John Frank Chupp
Bill Conway
Al and Marian Desrosiers
Ray and Carol Groman
Vernon Hamm
Ron and Helen Hayner
Don Krein
Ray Mentzer
Frank Monko
Ed and Carol Robinson
George and Peggy Van Tubergen
Bob and Marie Tuggle and daughter Gina
Gueydan and Margie Verret
Harold and Esther Weber
Dave and Carolyn Wischmann
Charlie Wooke

Most of the group arrived on the 11th and that afternoon and evening was spent getting aquainted again after 40+ years of separation. The drinks and the stories flew that night in a special room provided by the hotel.

On the 12th the remaining attendees arrived.

With a whole day before the evening banquet, Bill (Buke) Bechtold and Al Desrosiers, both natives of St. Louis, along with George Van Tubergen, voluteered to drive the old-timers and their wives for a tour of the City of St. Louis, Gateway to the West.

The hotel staff started setting up the dinner around 6:00PM outside the dining room as everyone began arriving and socializing, and at 7:00PM the dinner was served.

Just before the dinner a prize was presented to the person who traveled the farthest to attend. J. Frank Chupp won the prize, he had arrived in Chicago after a 14 1/2 hour flight from Hong Kong. He then rode from Chicago with Bob Tuggle for another 4 1/2 hours to get to St. Louis. He was presented with a beer stein engraved "6914th RSM REUNION 9-12-98"

On the morning of the 13th all of the members and their wives gathered in the hotel dining room for breakfast. After breakfast goodbyes were said and another reunion was being talked about as the members of the 6914th began to depart. A date was not set but it was definitely agreed that there will be another reunion.

The 6914th RSM of Sembach, Germany Reunion is now a much cherished memory.

Special thanks to:
Bob Tuggle for organizing the reunion
(Plaque presented to Bob Tuggle by 6914th alumni)
Al Desrosiers for the hotel and dinner arrangements
Bill Bechtold for the social activities
Great job, guys!

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